Thursday, 2 October 2014

Diwrnod Ieithoedd wropeaidd / European day of Languages

Bon Matin!  Buenos Dias!  Guten Morgan!  oedd y geiriau roedd pawb yn croesawu eu gilydd hefo ar fore dydd Mercher 24ain o Fedi.  Roedd pawb yn dathlu Diwrnod Ieithoedd Ewropeaidd yn yr ysgol.

Roedd llawer iawn o blant wedi gwisgo mewn dillad gwahanol am y diwrnod - un neu ddwy o senioritas bach del, rahi mewn cit pel-droed o wledydd Ewrop ac eraill wedi peintio gwynebau hefo baneri o wahanol wledydd.

 Bon Matin! Buenos Dias! Guten Morgan! were words everyone was using to greet one another with on the morning of Wednesday 24th September. Everyone was celebrating the European Day of Languages ​​in school. 

There were lots of children dressed in different clothes for the day - one or two pretty little senioritas, others wore football kits of European countries and others had painted faces with flags of different countries.

Dyma lun o Dosbarth Twr (Bl. 3 a 4) yn blasu bob math o fwydydd o wahanol wledydd yn Ewrop.

Here is a picture of the Dosbarth Twr (Years. 3 and 4) tasting all kinds of foods from different countries in Europe.

Gan fod y Dosbarth Derbyn yn edrych ar tedi bers tymor yma, daeth ffrind bach Twm Tedi, sef Barnaby, i'w weld yr holl ffordd o Ffrainc!

Cafodd pawb gyfle i wneud bob math o weithgareddau - adeiladu'r Twr Eifl, peintio baner Ffrainc ac wrth gwrs blasu bob math o fwydydd Ffrengig!

As the Reception class is looking at teddy bears this term, Twm Tedi's friend, Barnaby, came to visit all the way from France!

Everyone had a chance to do all kinds of activities - building the Eiffel Tower, paint the French flag and of course  tasting all kinds of French foods!

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