Roedd llawer iawn o blant wedi gwisgo mewn dillad gwahanol am y diwrnod - un neu ddwy o senioritas bach del, rahi mewn cit pel-droed o wledydd Ewrop ac eraill wedi peintio gwynebau hefo baneri o wahanol wledydd.
There were lots of children dressed in different clothes for the day - one or two pretty little senioritas, others wore football kits of European countries and others had painted faces with flags of different countries.
Dyma lun o Dosbarth Twr (Bl. 3 a 4) yn blasu bob math o fwydydd o wahanol wledydd yn Ewrop.
Here is a picture of the Dosbarth Twr (Years. 3 and 4) tasting all kinds of foods from different countries in Europe.
Gan fod y Dosbarth Derbyn yn edrych ar tedi bers tymor yma, daeth ffrind bach Twm Tedi, sef Barnaby, i'w weld yr holl ffordd o Ffrainc!
Cafodd pawb gyfle i wneud bob math o weithgareddau - adeiladu'r Twr Eifl, peintio baner Ffrainc ac wrth gwrs blasu bob math o fwydydd Ffrengig!
As the Reception class is looking at teddy bears this term, Twm Tedi's friend, Barnaby, came to visit all the way from France!
Everyone had a chance to do all kinds of activities - building the Eiffel Tower, paint the French flag and of course tasting all kinds of French foods!
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