Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Dechrau blwyddyn Ysgol newydd Medi 2014 / Start of a new School year September 2014

Dyma ychydig o luniau o'r gweithgareddau mae dosbarthiadau'r Ysgol wedi bod yn ei wneud yn ddiweddar.
Dyma lun o yr holl blant sydd wedi dechrau'r ysgol yn llawn amser!

Here is a photo of all the children who have started school fulltime!

Them y Dosbarth Derbyn tymor yma yw Tedis. Mae pawb wedi cael y cyfle i ddod a thedi ber i mewn i'r ysgol fel ffrind bach i helpu nhw setlio i mewn i'w dosbarth newydd.
Mae'r plant wedi bod yn hynod brysur yn peintio lluniau o'u tedis.

Here are a few photos of the activities that the School's classes having being doing recently.

The Reception Class' theme this term is Teddies. Every pupil had the opportunity to being a teddy bear into school as a friend to help them settle into their new class.
The children have been busy painting pictures of their teddies.

Cafodd y plant wahoddiad i bicnic gan ei ffrind Twm Tedi, felly roedd rhaid mynd ati i baratoi picnic a meddwl sut fathau o fwydydd oedd yn iach i'w bwyta.
The children had an invitation to a picnic from their friend Twm Tedi, they had to think about what kinds of foods they would have in their picnic and which foods were healthy to eat.

Wel wir! am fwydydd iach yn y bocsys bwyd!
Mwynhaodd bawb bicnic bendigedig yn y gasebo efo'u tedi bers!
I orffen y prynhawn mwynhaodd y plant stori Elenbenfelen a'r Tair Arth gan Miss Roberts.

Wow! what lovely healthy foods in the lunchboxes!
Everyone enjoyed a wonderful picnic in the gazebo with their teddy bears.
To finish off the lovely afternoon the children enjoyed the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears from Miss Roberts.

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